b'BDSBLUUL & BDSBLUDLBottlenose Dolphin Upward with shadow 40 x 51BDSBLUULBottlenose Dolphin Downward with shadow 36 x 51 BDSBLUDLShadow ExampleDolphin Pair 24 x 57DPABLUL 37 x 57shadowDPSBLULTiger Tang Fish Tang Fish 5 x 8blueTTABLUS4 x 7blueTANGBLUS 5 x 8orangeTTAORAS4 x 7orangeTANGORAS 5 x 8yellowTTAYELS4 x 7yellowTANGYELSSergeant Major Blue Beauty 6 x 9SERMAJS7 x 9BLBTS34'